Larry Webb / Lead Pastor

Larry has an unusual background for someone who has made pastoring his lifetime profession.   He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from LaTourneau University, but then felt an irresistible calling to enter the pastorate.  It wasn’t a wasted degree, however, because of his discipline in engineering prepared him to approach his teaching ministry on much more than just a superficial basis.   He had been raised in evangelical churches from childhood, but he often left services disappointed because most of his questions were never answered.
Convinced that inquiring minds want to know, Larry’s ambition is to create a relevant church that addresses life’s most challenging questions from an intelligent, objective, thought-provoking and thoroughly biblical perspective.  Pastor Larry ultimately earned a Master’s degree in Theological Studies from Bakke Graduate University and over time, became an experienced catalytic church planter.
He has been the beginning pastor of four successful church plants in Southern California, Missouri and Northern California.  In addition, to revitalizing three other declining congregations, Larry’s personal mission statement describing his passion to add eternal value to the people he ministers to makes him a perfect fit for the Mountain View congregation in El Paso, Texas